GROSSMONT COLLEGE — As the 2012 elections approaches, so does the deadline to become a registered voter. Many people don’t know how to become a registered voter, but the Registrar of Voters of San Diego County has made the process very simple.
According to the Registrar of Voters, there are three different options on how to become a voter. The first option is to fill out an online voter registration form. The second option is to pick up a postcard registration form at the various locations provided on the county of registrars of voters website. The third option is to have a postcard registration form mailed directly to your address and once completely filled out send it back to the county of registrars of voters address.
The ASGC also has voter registration cards in their office. The ASGC office is located in building 60 to the left of the cafeteria.
There are some things that current non-registered voters should keep in mind if wanting to vote for this upcoming election. The last day to be registered to vote is fifteen days before each election, or October 22. Voters must be a U.S. citizen, not on parole for a felony conviction, and at least 18 years old before the election. There’s no need to be with a specific political party to vote.
If you would like to check the status to see if you are already a registered voter, go to the san Diego county registrar of voters website and fill out the mini form. People who are interested to becoming a registered voter should contact the registrar of Voters on the San Diego county website at