Video by Xavier Green

Story and photos by Robert Sanchez
GROSSMONT COLLEGE — From student and faculty exhibits to those of invited artists, the Hyde Art Gallery has had some amazing shows over the years.

But for many people who attended Tuesday night’s opening of “Still Photographers,” this exhibit packed an extra emotional wallop. The exhibiton was a reunion for the last photography class of 1972 that the late Chuck Fridenmaker had taught right before his sudden death at the age of 31.
Surveying 115 works in the gallery, one of Fridenmaker’s former students, Alfred Pagano, said there is a piece of Chuck Fridenmaker in every one ofthe images. Fridenmaker had a strong influence on each of the 13 photographers featured in this show, including Grossmont College’s photo lab technician Susan Richardson. She said that one of the most important things that Fridenmaker had taught this group was that photographers need “to see the whole thing.”
Walking around the gallery and hearing gea stries about Fridenmaker and the class’s experiences, it really opened my eyes as a photographer. I had the chance to talk to some of the artists on exhibit, who are still working in photography, and received some great advice.
For example, Pagano, who helped assemble the exhibit, advised me: “Always carry your camera. Entertainment is alwyas free.” He explained that photographers will walk around and make pictues of things that most other people will just walk by. He also recommended that photographers “make a statement and say something about life and maybe about yourself.”
After viewing the show and its wide range of tonal zones, I’d like to strongly encourage Grossmont College students to check out “Still Photographers.” Whether you are a photographer or not, it’s soemthing well worth seeing.
The show runs through December 16.
Sanchez is a student in Media Comm 132.