GROSSMONT COLLEGE– It’s that time of year again; a time of scholarship applications and graduations. Looking for scholarships is no easy task. There are so many, where would a person start? Does each one require a 500-word or more essay? Is it worth the time? When are the deadlines?
There are many places to find scholarships. Any search engine you could possibly use would bring up a list of hundreds-of-thousands of scholarship possibilities. In order to bring that list down to a reasonable searchable number there is a need to use specific wording. Another option is to utilize Grossmont College’s online list of available on campus scholarships. Or, you could make it a little easier on yourself and go into the financial aid office and pick out dozens of possibilities from the stacks of options in which they have thoughtfully displayed for students.
A lot of scholarships do require essays from applicants, but not all. I have come across a good number of applications that require nothing more than applying to their website and answering a few questions. This removes a lot of hassle for the applicant, but it also means that there are a lot more people fighting for these scholarships. There are still a lot of scholarships that require an essay, so think hard and don’t forget to revise.
I think that if you are willing to put in the time to apply for more than one scholarship it will be worth your time. The more you apply to the more chances you have of being awarded money to help with your schooling needs. On the other hand, if you confine your efforts to one, then you will need to make sure that your essay is the best one you can write because the judges will be considering many applicants.
When I started my search for scholarships I thought I had a month, maybe less to write as many essays as possible, before the application due dates would be upon me. During this search I discovered that some scholarships are awarded on a monthly basis, others on a weekly basis, and yes a few do have upcoming due dates. So, write quickly or you may lose your chance.
Sanders is commentary editor of the GC Summit. She may be contacted at