Grossmont College's Student News Media

The Summit

Grossmont College's Student News Media

The Summit

Grossmont College's Student News Media

The Summit

A New Face

Campus welcomes a new VP.
Sheree Stopper

The search for a new vice president of Administrative Services at Grossmont College has come to an end. Sheree Stopper, who previously served as the chief business officer for the Lemon Grove School District, brings experience in fiscal management, payroll, school safety and more to her new position. Stopper assumed her new position officially April 22. 

Stopper holds a bachelor’s degree in finance and accounting from Pacific University and a master’s in taxation from National University. She has experience in managing multiple funds, performing ongoing initiatives to enhance educational resources and facilities, and accomplishing successful bond campaigns. 

The vice president of Administrative Services is a fundamental position responsible for services such as accounting, contract management, facilities maintenance and human resources. At Grossmont, this includes overseeing the bookstore contracts and management, working with a liaison for the district for campus safety, grant reporting and monitoring, and food service advisory and council. 

In an email release, Grossmont President Denise Whisenhunt said she is “confident that Ms. Stopper’s qualifications and expertise will serve Grossmont College well as we work together to transform the lives of students.” 

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Mireya Miner
Mireya Miner, Staff Writer
Journalism major with hopes to transfer to SDSU in the fall. In her free time, she enjoys making art, reading and watching movies.
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