GROSSMONT COLLEGE–Ryan Anthony Mahan graduated in audio production from Grossmont in the spring of 2011. Since then, Mahan has released over 20 track features, a few music videos and finally, his first solo album, Rockin’ In My Moccasins.
At first Mahan was exclusively a beat maker, but then contributed vocals on one artist’a tracks–that sparked the encouragement for the typically shy Mahan to join the rap game.
While infiltrating social networks such as MySpace, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and steadily performing at local venues such as Deco’s and Belo, Ryan Anthony is quickly becoming a common name among college students and the music industry.
Coupled with technical knowledge and his deep interest in music, Mahan’s creative audio expressions are top quality in recording and production.
The 21-year-old entrepreneur keeps himself busy as he has also commits himself full-time to the continued pursuit of his musical career in Los Angeles. Hollywood better keep an eye out, Ryan Anthony is a young, educated and ambitious new artist.
You can find Ryan Anthony’s CD in various local retail shops. And for more information, contact him on twitter @RyanAnth0ny or via Facebook at /ThisARyanAnthonyBeat.
Fedor is a student in MediaComm 199; contact her at [email protected]