GROSSMONT COLLEGE– Students at Grossmont College were given the opportunity to share their thoughts and feelings on the Constitution Wall. The Constitution Wall was a tall wall with blank posters that students could write on.
Grossmont students were encouraged to draw and post their thoughts and feelings towards the constitution. The question on the wall was fairly simple, “what does the constitution mean to you?” The students were very expressive and outspoken to the question.
One student wrote “Freedom! Of religion, speech, to follow your dreams. Another student who signed as Kayla Hodge wrote “ That we are living based on a contract like reverse psychology to make us believe we have “freedom” but we really aren’t free at all.”
There was also a poster above the question that said Exercise your right to vote and, underneath that poster a quote that read “I have this to say to people,” said Hosni Mubarak. “go to the polls and vote for the candidate of your choice… this is your responsibility do not neglect it”
Constitution week at the Grossmont campus was held September 17 to September 20. There were other campus events and the ASGC passed out pocket references to the constitution. There was a bar-be-que event on Thursday September 20 in the main quad.