GROSSMONT COLLEGE – The works of 30 faculty artists will be on exhibit and for sale through Thursday, October 28, at the Hyde Art Gallery.
Works being shown include photographs, mixed media, pastel on sanded pastel paper, wood and silver, sterling silver, soda fired clay, arylic wash on toned canvas, archival pigment print on silk with thread, oil on canvas acrylic on canvas, ceramic, silver gelatin print, Hektone Carbon Pigment Print, and Clay with lead and glaze.
Exhibitors include Stephanie Bedwell, Jennifer Bennett, Craig Carlson, Patricio Chavez, John Chwekun, Andrew Cross, Steven Dille, Tom Fox, Daphne Hill, Suda House, Jeff Irwin, Roberta Klein, Larry & Debbie Klein, Thomas Lazzara, Lisa Medlen, Christina Montouri, Diane Morris, Bill Mosely, Edward Pieters, Judith Preston, Ingrid Psuty, Jacqueline Ramirez, Tony Renier, Susan Richardson, Anna Stump, Julia Thompson, Paul Turountet, Al Ventura, and Michael Wheeldon.
Prices range from $15 each for “Glazed Candy” created by Larry & Debbie Kline to $4,500 for Jeff Irwin’s clay, glaze creation “Pointer on Table,” measuring 45” x22” x14”
Preceding based on material provided by Hyde Art Gallery