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Grossmont College's Student News Media

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Grossmont College's Student News Media

The Summit

Free Feminine Products

State law says college campuses should provide free feminine hygiene products.
Image by Vanessa Ramirez


Feminine products, like the most commonly used tampons and sanitary pads, are designed to help during menstrual cycles, which is a natural cycle females and people endure monthly. Periods can vary for different people from the flow, focus and cramps. No matter the experience, it is important that women have immediate access to feminine products and can acquire the necessary products for their time of the month. 

At Grossmont College, women’s free feminine products are available in the campus bathrooms.  

Emily Danque, a Grossmont College student, said she believes it acts as a safety net for all females. Knowing the college we attend offers the right products allows students who need these products to have some peace of mind.  

Signed into law in October 2021, The Menstrual Equity Act was passed to provide free menstrual products on school campuses. Assembly Bill 367, signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom, encourages all of California’s public and private colleges to provide students with free menstrual products in every bathroom on campus grounds.

While the campus’s bathrooms give out free supplies, in the past some parts of the school required quarters to be used to obtain the products. Even though it’s only 25 cents, it became an inconvenience for some students who didn’t carry any change or had the time to scramble for a quarter to put in the machine. 

“I only carry quarters when I go to Disneyland,” Danque said. 

Unlike college campuses, Disneyland bathrooms still require quarters to access products, which makes having a period a major inconvenience while at the park. Thanks to the Menstrual Equity Act, Grossmont and other college campuses were able to implement free-of-charge products in all campus restrooms, making going to the bathroom while on your period in school campuses much easier than Disneyland, the happiest place on Earth. 

Still, even though the Menstrual Equity Act is in place, students in different schools still have trouble gaining access to free feminine products. Products are not as accessible and they have to pay out-of-pocket. 

It is vital to make period essential products available to students so they can attend classes without worries. Many students who use feminine products are now using their voices to be heard and advocating for free period products and equity for all students.  Psychology Major Samuel Rendon said: “It’s like a water fountain. Everyone needs water, it is a basic need.”

Menstrual products are essential to hygiene practices. By having products available at all times, the campus shows it cares about its student’s needs and health.

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Perla Cruz
Perla Cruz, Senior Staff Writer
Journalism major aiming to become a writer for a high-profile publication such as Vogue. She has a passion for fashion and the arts, and in her free time, she enjoys creating memories with her loved ones and traveling.
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