Why the Student Charter is Important

A new direction for change at Grossmont College.


Liliana Rankin, Staff Writer

Grossmont College recently announced on its Instagram, @grossmontedu, that a new student charter has been launched, putting it among the first of a few community colleges in San Diego to do this.

The African-American Male Education Network & Development organization (A2MEND) aims to be a supportive environment for African-American men or any men of color. These men are expected to gain skills and experiences, thrive academically and grow as student leaders. 

How is this program going to accomplish all that? According to Grossmont’s website, the charter’s bylaws detail the organization’s dedication to “developing students’ life skills, reaffirming the value of African-American cultural traditions, creating awareness around issues of social justice, promoting professionalism, building grit, and fostering an environment of positive peer pressure.”

The charter does require student members to maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA or better. 

“This program creates hope for a change,” said Grossmont Student Carbella Toth. “I am proud to go to a school that provides this.” 

Considering everything going on in the world, including the amount of social injustice and with the Black Lives Matter Movement, having this program can help to create a sense of security and comfort for the African-American community. The ability to be able to practice and share cultural traditions is needed when attending school. The sense of being able to be yourself will create a healthy school environment.

For more information, visit a2mend.net.