GROSSMONT COLLEGE–A handful of Christians gathered under a tree near the 500 Buildings on Thursday, May, 12 for informal religious study. Their discussion focused on a lesson that equated Jesus to a gardener, faith to a seed and personal priorities to dirt, the idea seeming to be that Jesus sets a foundation for a person’s faith but that, by good priorities or lack thereof, the person will optimize or squander the seed of faith.
To attract people to the meeting, organizers approached students asking whether they would like to participate in a lesson about Christian ideas.
Glenn Cruz, the unofficial leader of the event, encouraged participants to read passages from the Christian Bible and then discuss the passages.
Among the questions raised for discussion was, “What are some ways that the world around us can cause problems for our ?” One woman responded that her “family members might appeal to sentimentality” as an excuse for being a bad influence on her. She gave a hypothetical example of if her sister were to invite her to a bar for a drink, cajoling : “C’mon, I’m your sister. Come drink with me!”
Lindquist is Managing Editor of the Grossmont Summit. Contact him at russl@gcsummit.com
itsnotaboutu • May 13, 2011 at 6:18 pm
Its always good to see Christian students meeting together to encourage each other and keep one and other accountable.
God Bless.